When you don't like one or more players on your favourite sports team and cheer for everyone but them.
Even though I'm a diehard Flames fan, I've been doing some selective cheering since we got Stajan.
by ohlgirl November 12, 2010
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The process a bloke undertakes when he leaves a woman at the alter in favour of a lady more likely to give him beautiful children.
Eric: Did you here about Johns Experiment?

Stuart: Yeah he left Jenny on their wedding day for Ashley with the perfect bum to boob ratio, right?

Eric: True! How's that for Selective Breeding!
by Spacemariles June 7, 2013
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When those annoying girls on snap choose what to reply to and just leave you on open for 48 hours otherwise
You: Bro why does she leave me on opened sometimes but sometimes she wants to reply

Bro: Honestly she’s just selective replying at this point.
by dbsweebo June 19, 2023
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a person who only associates with who they want they choose and pick their friends
they're also mean to whoever they want and have power to who they wanna hang around
and are not afraid to tell someone that they are just associates or they don't like them
"i cant just be friendly to anyone i'm a selective associate"
by lacunaaa September 20, 2022
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Noun: The culinary problem of having unlimited wants and needs for after dinner sweets but only a finite number of choices.
Don't get mad at me for eating the last piece of homemade apple pie, you had plenty of time to eat it but instead you used poor dessert selectivity and chose to eat a handful of tootsie rolls.
by JEB_EDC January 11, 2014
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Similar to selective hearing, but when a colleague (usually a Manager) only chooses to respond to e-mails which suit their needs.

Typically, this is because they don't know *how* to respond, as a result of being incompetent.
They do this regardless of the impact their lack of reply has on their staff/colleagues.

Ultimately, they will not be held responsible for their lack of response and the blame will fall on the person who was awaiting their response!
Ben: "Corey, did you get my e-mail last Monday?"
Corey: "Yeah, mate."
Ben: "..... Can you let me know how to move forward on that? I need your guidance."
Corey: "Sure! I'll reply to you when I'm at my desk."
Matt: "Corey won't reply to your e-mail. He has selective e-mail, remember?"
Ben: "Shit."
by schofieldthescarecrow October 28, 2014
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Flipping out at a moment that you selected of a time/situation. Rather than doing it any time any place! 😆🤕👀🙄
He only has his random "Selective Outburst" when he's emotionally spiralling down!
by Agees March 7, 2023
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