A Facebook game that is commonly played by single mothers with nothing better to do and old women that need to think about something besides their rapidly approaching death.
Woman of indeterminate age: "I love Treasure Madness so much! It's quite fun and easy to play.
by SeriousManMan December 28, 2017
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A person who is extremely perceptive at he or she does, has unbelievable work ethic and is extremely sweet kind patient and cute, but still doesn't get any credit for the amazing hardwork they do, mostly becuase they have a vulture like counterpart and because we live in aa patriachical society, yet they continue to work tirelessly and complete the work effortlessly
Yo she is the Esha of Treasurers , kitna mehnat karti yeh but this Yash madarchod gets all the credits
by assistant to the treasurer January 26, 2023
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A person's (typically male) shaft, or man rod. More commonly reffered to as a penis, dick, or cock.
I made a pass at his treasure poll.
by Brad Bentley January 16, 2007
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A Womans behind that isnt normal or for that matter good, but contains enough unusual treasure plumpness to be oddly appealing. Sometimes can make one obsesses by said TCD.
Wow, look at that treasure chest dumper by the pool eating a whole tray of nachos.

I agree, thats a nice TCD
by the brand July 7, 2012
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high valued; prized
his library was his most treasured possession
by Jaycek Weiss August 8, 2021
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