A shot of an alcoholic beverage to celebrate the humiliating death of Osama bin Laden, the founder of the terrorist group al-Qaeda, at the hands of the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group, informally known as Navy SEAL Team 6, of Joint Special Operations Command on May 2, 2011 during "Operation Neptune Spear". Nearly always accompanied by damning "toasts" expressing either disparaging remarks against Osama and/or celebration over his violent death or his current status as fish food in the North Arabian Sea.

May be used once upon first hearing of Osama's death, or any number of instances afterward, often as a replacement of more generic toasts such as "cheers" or "bottoms up." The later often makes reference to the fact that you have already drank to Osama's demise in the past, but you're doing so again because he is, after all, still dead.

Variants on this include a "bloody bin laden shot" which consists of a clear (ex; vodka) Osama bin Laden shot followed by a chaser of anything red, with a toast making reference to his bloody death and sea burial.

Note that Osama bin Laden shots, including any variants, and any accompanying toast become unusable in the event that Osama comes back as a zombie or something.
Example 1:
American: Osama bin Laden shots?
Other American: Is he still dead?
American: He is still dead!
Other American: To bloody bin Laden in a watery grave!
American: I hope a hermit crab makes a home out of his skull.

Example 2:
American: Osama bin Laden shots?
Other American: Naw dude, can't. Don't you watch the news? He came back as a zombie.
American: Oh....wait..what?
by WALRUS Team 6 June 5, 2011
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I overdid it at the all you can eat chinese buffet earlier. Reckon I'll have to go and bury bin laden at sea. I might be a while.
by R.Stornaway May 21, 2011
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A phrase used to undermine the logic of normal security questions and provide sound explanation for them, simply because Osama Bin Laden is dead.
Person 1: Hey, do you know if i can send matches in the post?

Person 2: ..well, Bin Laden is dead?

Person 1: Oh yeh! Thanks.
by TheBald May 5, 2011
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Osama bin Laden was a rogue bull elephant named after the eponymous designated terrorist of the same name. It was responsible for at least 27 deaths and the destruction of property in the jungled Sonitpur district of the Indian state of Assam. After a two-year rampage from 2004 to 2006, the elephant was eventually shot; but some were doubtful that the correct animal was killed.
Footjob Gamer: Hey bro, That Osama bingus Laden (elephant) was insane, huh
by weednosebutveryweed January 15, 2022
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A full shit beard - casual - osama i.e. with friends

A full shit beard - formal i.e. at a wedding - Bin Laden
Dirty Osama /Dirty Bin Laden debate:

I can't believe he turned up with a dirty osama - this is clearly a dirty Bin Laden occasion. It is my daughters wedding for fucks sake!!!!!
by karnowski snr December 21, 2008
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Briefs, cod piece, underwear, boxers, shorts.
Femme. panties, undies, g-string, manhole cover.
The taliban leader dropped to his nees and pulled out the Bin Laden tablecloth and munched like a starving dog.

The mentally challanged terrorist crapped his Bin Laden tablecloth.

The eager hezbollah leader received a severe fabric burn on his chin from the many Bin Laden tablecloth's he had come in contact with that morning.
by GeeBird January 24, 2007
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One who is in uttermost dying search for osama bin laden, because word of reward money was mentioned. A man of this description was found in late june of 2010 in pakistan with a bushy dirty beard carrying a samurai sword, a hand pistol, some night vision goggles and one map, claiming he was the one who flushed bin laden out of hiding...
"dad! dad! is that the samurai sword-wielding bin laden hunter?"

"ya boy, thats him. now don't get to close to the cage.. you don't wanna be pullin back nubbs do ya?".
by Alphadog~ May 4, 2011
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