Kim Kardashian is a serious illness discovered in Calabasas when Kris Jenner gave birth to this disease in 1850. This disease includes having a shopping kink and getting married 5 times in 1 year and divorcing after 72 days.
Jenny: “Stacy is acting autistic”
Amber: “She’s got the Kim Kardashian!”
Jenny: “Ouch that’s worse than cancer”
by Cupcakke'sPubicHair November 10, 2022
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The most plastic woman you'll ever meet.
Student: I have a question!
Teacher: What is it?
Student: If Kim Kardashian drowned, would it be plastic pollution?
by dracomalfoyswifey February 12, 2021
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A synonym of “I don’t give a flying fuck about what minor thing just happened”
“Hey, did you see that Brittany got a new phone but didn’t add Josh back on her contacts list?”
“Kim Kardashian”
by Cash_MNY December 10, 2020
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A brat with a big butt.
“Omg, did you see Kim Kardashian’s new instagram post!”
by _its_meeeee_77883 August 3, 2023
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1. The indoctrination or social transformation of a person's personality and values into those of a narcissist. The Narcissification of a capitalist society. 2. An indication that a self aggrandizing society such as Plutocracy, Oligarchy, Kakistocracy has reached it's pinnacle in societal acceptance, been recognized, and deemed undesirable by a majority of the society--signaling the decline of that societal form. 3. A colloquial metaphor for an action, behavior, or thought indicating a perceived transformation of society away from one that is predatory, or strictly capitalist-centric.
To say that everybody in the United States supports predatory capitalism is a Kardashianism.

I reject your spiritual belief, as it is rooted in Kardashianism.
She got that plastic surgery back in the days of Kardashianism, and worshiping narcissists.
I can't watch anything from Hollywood, everything they make is overflowing with Kardashianisms , greed, & consumerism.
The US going to war with another country, is just another extension of DC-Political Kardashianism.
Our public school system integrated Kardashianism, so now children must take classes on how to invest your 401K in Wall St, the importance of banks, the economic value of networking, how savings accounts with meager or virtually zero-returns are actually beneficial to banks and therefore society, long-term strategic planning of individual's social media accounts.
by Dieu-donne' December 31, 2020
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if you don't get a message back after ten minutes of sending it someone preoccupied they aren’t taking you as seriously as they need to and if it was a Kardashian they would respond as soon as they get it.
The Kardashian Rule helped save people a few hours a day of using their electronic devices for no effect.
by Coop Dupe December 18, 2019
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