The cutest couple you'll ever see, you see the perfect couple roaming the hallways, just call them Harry and Lacee
Wow there like Harry and Lacee
by Laceestigger December 5, 2020
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An absolute pedo who fucks the absolute shit outa people named TTHRex 8 time a day in the same hour while dirty Mexicans shit on his face while you eat it.
Mion love to do Lace Up Grizzly
by Liein mion August 10, 2023
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Back in ye olden day, the tedious job of making lace was hard work. Creating the most beautiful and delicate work required dexterous hands (usually women in that time, let’s be honest), but could only be sold by men as only they had the right to own a business. Women literally worked their fingers to the bone, eventually losing feeling or gaining pain in their hands from carpal tunnel, arthritis, and ligament or nerve damage. During the height of the lace fad, women were not recognized for their work, only the men they worked for, but we’re able to gain a higher-than-average wage for the times. Thus, “the price of lace” became a euphemism for what one pays in hard work and perseverance for a slight gain.
I’m willing to pay the price of lace if it means I can feed my family even one more day.
by Eurrikka October 21, 2021
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A woman who has been doing life for some time now she has truly been there done that. She was named after a cookie that is amazing and easy the cookie that is not the lady
Ask Honey Lace she has experienced LIFE
by H Baroness DeLacy September 15, 2021
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When your shoe laces are tied hella goofy.
Zando: Bobbies shoes are hella clean
Papi D: Hell nah his goofy lace too tight.
Zando: true dat.
by Daddy Mocco October 13, 2017
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Lacee is a true definition of Gorgeousness, definitely the attractive woman , I was blessed to lay my eyes on. If you ever encounter one of these extraordinary females. Immediately drop what your doing and sign up . Lacee have the best bodies,they are the absolute nicest and get the wettest a girl can get. The way her body moves. Will have in trapped in your on mind . Lacee, has the best sense of style ,they are always the head of pack. Definitely always alpha females. Lacees are always the better lover. And what's awesome about lacee is that she is very humble. Something can be taught ,and some things lacees are born with. So if u ever meet a lacee . Definitely wifeey material. Seal the deal at all cost . Lacee is just plain it wonderful. Meeting an lacee and being with her is like winning the lottery. Everyone is jealous and uou have her all to yourself .most kindest,trustworthy,faithful best friend you'll ever have in your life.
by Otis1977 February 6, 2023
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Holy molly have you ever seen a person this pretty I bet not she is so hot and the best person to hang with if you see a girl named lacee don’t let her go you will possibly never see her again and if she falls for you you know she’s falling hard she is always playing hard to get love y’all
No way is that the new girl Lacee”
Ya she’s so cool
by kjkfcvgbhnj May 29, 2023
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