When you put your partner upside down and stick a turnip in there ass or mouth or vagina depending on how the partner is feeling
Wanna get sticky, let's do an upside down turnip
by Stanky the Herbivore YT September 5, 2016
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when you are on the monkey bars hanging upside down and someone ejaculates with so much power that you swing back and forth.
Julia: "Oh shit Jeff is getting hit with an upside down wave!"
Ron: "I just hope his ribs are ok."
by sausageonmyeggs December 15, 2020
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Used in 2019 in the poem “The End State: In The Meantime - WHWB? - WWWB?)” on The Consummate Transitioner website and a LinkedIn post. Upside Down World defined is a distorted or alternate reality where traditional norms, integrity, principles, and values are destroyed and shattered? The truth is “what I say it is?” Truth is winning. Loyalty is truth. If you win, you are right. If you lose, you are wrong. Winning is the only acceptable outcome. Wrong is now right. Right is now wrong? Good is now evil and the weak appear to be strong. Lying and deception are acceptable, if we win. We accept and like being lied too by power as long as we win? Winning provides the the free space to hate, mistreat, demean, to attain self-absorbed satisfaction, and to feel comfortable doing so by the least and most despicable.
Upside Down World defined is a distorted or alternate reality where traditional norms, integrity, principles, and values are destroyed and shattered? Example in a sentence: The truth no longer matters, because the world is upside down.
by The Consummate Transitioner December 5, 2020
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When a popular rapper hangs upside down for 17 minutes and 42 seconds and then starts rapping amazingly
When A popular rapper for 17 minutes and 42 seconds and then Started rapping amazingly
Thats 50 cent upside down for ya
by KanyeEast88 February 17, 2022
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A common sexual position, popularized by citizens of Belarus. it involves taking your partner’s glibbles and hanging her upside down, and then you rub your pashtuck on her Dolores.

You must be 25 years or older to perform this in most 1st world countries.
I did the upside down warlord when I was 24 and I was arrested! I should’ve waited another year.
by Warlord teriyaki January 9, 2018
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A fictional dimension from the popular Netflix original Stranger Things. The upside down is where the Stranger Things monsters live.
Person 1: “hey the other day I walked through a strange portal like thing and it seems like I entered a whole new dimension!”
Person 2: “sounds like you entered the upside down
by Ocsyt May 5, 2022
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Being pegged by your wife with a dildo made from a mold of your own penis. The twist being that the dildo is increased in size by 33% in all dimensions.
"Cheryl wants to spice things up and bring a new man into the bedroom. I've been warming up with the upside down pony pole for a few weeks, so I'll be ready for that big ole bull!"
by Glazedroofhomie December 18, 2022
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