Ferret davies is an unusual human that looks like the animal ferret usually bad hair and mum can be a whore or the unusual human can be born a mistake and is to live in a garbage can
Ferret davies lives in garbage cans around the state
by Jkftd September 10, 2016
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A ball park whore baseball groupie who fucks all the players.
Damn boy!! Kepler fucks the shit out of those Field Ferrets!!!
by Highwayman April 27, 2019
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Attempting to have sex with a limp dick. Also known as pushing rope.
She just wasn't that hot, so I ended up waxing the ferret for a while and giving up.
by legsmalone May 25, 2010
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Dude, I really need to slap a ferret right now.

Larry will be back in a moment, he’s off slapping a ferret.
by Dawnky punch August 6, 2022
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A moderately small critter with a short temper from the rural pastures of Venezuela. The creature is known to glide great distances when only a mild breeze present.
My grandmother left the post office and was killed in a frenzied attack from a Portuguese Wind Ferret
by SmokiestJoe March 18, 2022
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this word is synonymous with taint weasel, regarding a person who enjoys exploring the nether region we call taint.
So and so is such a gouch ferret, I can barely keep her head out of my crotch long enough to have legitimate sex!
by Nik Danger April 12, 2010
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An African child with large pubey haircut and tries to be road:( he enjoys the odd fag and is generally considered a legend by him mum, and her friends. He originated from the land of Granada and has only ever eaten tobacco and then learnt to smoke it. He is now knows as ground weasel by colleagues. Good old ferret dunn.
Opponent: u're a dick
Me: your a stupid ferret dunn
by Osama laden October 27, 2016
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