I really dont see what the big fuss is all about. I'm from the Uk and trust me clothes are so much more expensive over here. For example An Abercrombie shirt cost $70, we get it for £70 which is double what you pay for it. So please stop whining. You also need to check out another brand - Jack Wills. Now thats expensive, its also QUALITY.
Brit: 'Jeez, these Abercrombie and Fitch jeans are £80!!!'
American: 'Jeez these Abercrombie and Fitch jeans are $80, OMG TOO EXPENSIVE

by Johnny bwoii January 4, 2008
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Middle class, Well mannered people. usually wealthier than other people nhot always . good since of style rnt in to drugs like u emo kids who smoke pot and r gonna work at mcdoanlds for the rest of youre life and be lozers dont bitch to us u had ur chance try goin to college wait u cant u have 20 pierceings and 5 tattos and wear all black u freaks god ur so jealous cauze were gonnna be come some one and u rnt get a good job and u can afford a&f freaks!!!
Prep guys: Parker! look at that freak oo shitt his whole body is covered in tattos look at his hair! and those weird throat chocker thing

Drew!!! i saw him last nite he's the dishwasher at taco bell. o how sad hes like 30

by Carter. K August 3, 2006
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A store that many people hate on for unclear reasons. It's a clothing store selling good quality shirts for people who are in good shape. There is no reason to trash the store because you are jealous of people who have money and have a good body to fit into nice looking cothing. If you think torn or vintage style clothing is garbage; think again- its a style; just like any other clothing store out there. They are expensive beccuse they have good quality that won't shrink in one washing cycle. It is a typical store that sells clothes and tells people nothing of your personality. I used to hate this store because I thought it was for rich preps or stuck up brats, but after I shopped at the outlet once; that changed my mind. If its too much money, go shop at the outlet; no one would know! You can get really cute and nice clothing and tshirts for 10 bucks. Yeah, I don't think that is expensive at all. If you hate abercrombie and fitch, there's only one reason: jealousy.. So people should stop being so stereotypical about a normal clothing store.
Ignorant girl: 'Omg, that girl is wearing abercrombie and fitch; i hate her so much; she's a stuck up brat''

*my theory proved- even if you dont know the person dont trash on them because their style of clothing is different from yours
by whydoesitmatter July 17, 2005
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Casual Luxury!!! Abercrombie and Fitch is nice clothing but for everyday. It's really not that expensive (see JUICY COUTURE, SEVEN JEANS, BCBG which are actually EXPENSIVE)

Abercrombie and Fitch sells cashmere cable knit sweaters for $130 while Juicy Couture will sell a cashmere argyle sweater for $250.. Now that's expensive for almost the same thing.

Abercrombie and Fitch jeans go for between $60-150 (for Ezra Fitch) on average.. SEVEN jeans go for between $120-500..

Abercrombie and Fitch is great quality, tasteful, and not as expensive as other people make it out to be... Especially for me because I get a 30% discount for working there, tehehe.

Okay I know it's kind of like a "cult".. In the back room where we keep all the clothes... There is a 20 second commercial on repeat, it says "Our jeans are undeniably sexy" OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. The only thing Abercrombie is trying to do is sell SEXY to us, everything is subliminally sexual, everything about the company and store.. Whatever, I think a lot of things aimed at the age group of 16-24 year olds uses sexual references to seem more appealing.

They also play the same 10 songs, OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER AND OVER.. I actually sing them all day.
Abercrombie and Fitch is moderately priced because their clothing is good quality and people associate that with the name.. Try shopping for clothes at bloomingdales, nordstrom or saks fifth avenue if you want to see actually expensive clothes.. Hello?? Prada, Burberry, Versace.. Come on.
by A&F brand rep October 10, 2005
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Gayest store ever I mean come on when you go in there are guy boobs wherever you look.
Don't you just love Abercrombie and fitch it's FABULOUS!
by alisiscool April 15, 2009
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Smelly wrinkled clothing that stink crackers wear.
i ran this stupid cracker over with my car and his smelly abercrombie and fitch shirt got on my windshield
by Dj Rafiki March 28, 2005
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The Bland, overpriced clothing store that sells it products with ?naked? models! Swarmed with mindless zomies who have been pwned by the media.
How the F*ck you gonna sell this S*ity shirt with a toppless male model!!??!!?
by MyKuS April 4, 2005
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