A butt that it so thought that can stack a walnut between it cheeks when it flexed.
Check out that walnut cracker says Timo as he longingly gazes across that gym at Sandy’s tight ass.
by The dirty digglet November 5, 2023
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The Walnut Web at Walnut Hill School for the Arts is a long dark chain of hookups that once you enter you can never leave and makes you spit sisters with basically the whole campus
Did you hook up with Kieran last night?? Yep. Congrats you’ve entered the walnut web
by walnuteyes February 23, 2020
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Fake edition of 'Wizzy Peanuts'
Thas so wizzy pea- wizzy walnuts.... foo.
by Sazzanmand April 20, 2006
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When you but so hard it tears a hole in your pants and fills your pocket
Boug pocket walnuted after 10 seconds.
by Shaggy babe January 24, 2016
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Like a creampie, but when the man is extremely dehydrated, producing a dusty, brown, granular ejaculate.
"Doreen and I had sex last night, and I was so dehydrated I ended up giving her a walnut pie"
by St Catherine's House of Smut November 26, 2020
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