Sarcastic phrase use to define someone who is retarded with out offending that person.

People usually get confused "You are the Shit" with "You are the Greatest" but haven't live long enough to know the real roots of the Term. "They are the Shit" too.
A Vegan walk into the Room and let you know he is a Vegan, then you say "You are the Shit"
Donald Trump say there is no Global Warming and then you acknowledge him by saying "You are the Shit"

Most likely they won't get the sarcasm and will respond "Yes, I am".
by Jonen MC February 15, 2018
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A more extreme way of saying "Are you kidding me?" This phrase is commonly used to express doubt, surprise, and sometimes displeasure.
Teacher: You got 56% on the Math final.
Student: Are you shitting me?
by amc91 April 25, 2006
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a way of asking what someone is going to get at a restaurant because it is what they will be pooping out later. (a play on words of what you are getting)
waiter: what are you shitting today?
Customer: um can i please shit two double doubles and fries, and my wife will be shitting a chocolate milkshake. thank you.
by lockenload23 March 12, 2017
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Are you kidding me! Usually said when someone is very surprised or taken back by something.
He punched him in the face.

Are you shitting me!
by werd11111112087277 May 12, 2008
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What you say when you hear something from someone that you don't beleive. Something unthinkable is being explained, your response. Reciprocated more often than not with "I shit you not".
p1: Dude, you guys got to meet Samuel L Jackson? Your shitting me!

p2: I shit you not dude! I shook the motherfucker's hand!
by Hyper-z June 25, 2005
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