A person whose principle belief is panentheism but chooses to express their spirituality through Wicca
I can't go out with her she's a panentheist wiccan my baptist parents would go crazy
by LooktotheSkys June 14, 2010
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a type of music that is inspired by wicca and includes many wiccan themes.
I love wiccan music!
by Deep blue 2012 October 10, 2009
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This person has drastic mood swings and goes through many lovers always leaving a curses on his/her ex lover.
The bipolar wiccan has 4 kids from 4 different Dads.
by garvald1 December 22, 2006
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A made-up term by an idiot with no knowledge of Wicca.
"Dude, is that Evan digging through our dumpster?"
"Wait, what did you do with Muffy the Cat's body?"
"Oh, shit. Today is wiccan christmas, isn't it..."
" 'Wiccan christmas'? Evan's not Wiccan, he's just a little creep."
by Long-time Wiccan May 7, 2009
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1. To be flamboyant and be a compulsive liar. This includes telling everyone you have ass cancer and admitting it 6 months later that you lied but that was when you were a different person.

2. To follow every statement you make in a chat room with "Ok, I am leaving now and never coming back" and never end up leaving until 5 hours after starting it initially.

3. To advise everyone you are never going to come back to a chat room and then return 10 minutes later.

4. Whining for attention during every moment you are breathing but wasting your breath because the rest of the chat room has you on ignore already.
"Don't believe him. He is pulling a Rainbow Wiccian."

"Ok, I'm leaving now and never comming back."
"Quit pulling a Rainbow Wiccan. You said that 3 hours ago, leave already!"

Everyone Rainbow Wiccaned him by putting him on ignore."
by GEP November 3, 2006
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Like hippie christmas, but this is when creepy goth kids pick through dumpsters looking for dead things so they can do god-knows-what with them.
"Dude, is that Evan digging through our dumpster?"
"Wait, what did you do with Muffy the Cat's body?"
"Oh, shit. Today is wiccan christmas, isn't it..."
by The Dude of Bong-itude January 15, 2006
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where teens get together to form there own wiccan covens because most other covens won't accept anyone under 18.
A coven made up entirely of teens.
John is in a teen wiccan coven.
by Deep blue 2012 September 23, 2009
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