the ultimate metal band, solely responsible for the creation of Black Metal.
Some people say that black sabbath gave birth to metal, and metallica raised it. this is not true, VENOM were formed before metallica, and paved the way for today's real, black metal, which is way better than any of the americanised crap that metallica paved the way for.
by MaximusCoolman April 8, 2004
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A tongue piercing that puts two long barbells close to the tip of the tongue to resemble "fangs" like on a venomous snake.
"Wow! Johnny's venom piercing sure is scary!"
by invictus February 19, 2004
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the killer
deadly and lethal strikes quickly
venom lethally poisoned a dog!
by billtron March 19, 2003
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my fucking kick ass nickname so shut up you fucking slut cunts.. aha
person A:whats photoshop!? =-O
by venomic March 29, 2005
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top of everything he does. liked by everyone he meets. supreme in every way.
by venom December 21, 2003
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When you're banging someone in the ass, you blow your load in said ass. Then you pull out not knowing the individual you were sodomizing had explosive liquid diarrhea painting your chest with a Venom-like design of jizz and liquid shit.
Man, I was banging that chick in the ass last night. When I pulled out she totally Venomed me. I wish I didn't take her to Taco Bell for dinner.
by The Wonderboys February 12, 2011
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this is where the guy performs the spiderman BUT the guy has an STI. venom = poison.
Yeah so i nutted in my hand... And i was all like "PLAH VENOM!!!" And then she was all like "WHAT THE...?" And i was all like... "shhhh baby, the games back on."
by bilbo bagins423 April 9, 2009
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