To dress up like a Mexican gangster and drive by your ex lovers house in an unrecognizable car to see who they are now fucking to get over you.
Better bring the wigs and be ready to vato.
by BTV4L August 6, 2007
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when you cum in her ears and let it dry so she can't hear no more
Willie gave Fran a hot vato now pinche no hear out ear hate deaf
by zommm March 16, 2017
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A Mexican that while he is eating his girls ass, starts to use Morse Code while he moans and communicates to his girl if he 1. (•----)he should continue eating her ass, 2. (••---)sticks his tongue down her fart box even further, 3.(•••--) fart on his face, 4.(.••••-) likes the taste of her dingle berries, 5. (•••••) stick a dildo in her ass while he continues to eat her out, 6. (-••••) shit on him, 7.(--•••) creampie in her butthole so he can lick his own cum, 8. (---••)piss on his while he continue to eat her ass, 9.(----•) put his fist up her butthole and keep eating, and finally 10. (-----)Finish.
Ready for the Vato Tactical mija.....(Her: Yes Papi) Mmmmm..••••- .......taste so good....-••••.......yes!! Taste like frijoles baby!
Can't wait to do the Vato Tactical when we get home mamacita.
by PC Slayer Sword May 18, 2021
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Vatos Locos originated in East L.A Primarily Mexican Amarican A.K.A Chicanos. Now is a mix of Mexicans, Latinos & also has expanded World Wide Mostly in France. Vatos can be Known as Gangsters or It can mean Homie when People call each other Vato.
Whats up Vatos Locos! How you doing Ese!
by Vatto Locco March 11, 2016
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a crazy gangster.

usually of hispanic origin. you will spot one when you see a guy with big kakhi pants with a wife beater ;may have a button up shirt over with only the top button buttoned; on and a guadalupe chain around their neck. also wear bandanas ;usually blue, black, or red; and sunglasses. also idolize tupac and godfather.

usually have a girlfriend who draws her eyebrows on.
just look at any of the "homies" figures

"man look at that vato loco in LA"
by muralee June 25, 2005
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chunky vato- a vato that likes pan dulce way to much and is chunky
dammm look at that vato....dam thassa chunky vato cuh
by chunky vato March 3, 2020
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A person of white/anglo descent who has decided to abandon his socially learned "white" identity and become a mexican gangsta. Unlike wiggers, blanco vatos tend to adapt well to the mexican-american culture, usually learning spanish and developing a keen love interest in latinas.
Hey look at miguel over there, he's a true blanco vato, changing his name from michael.
Ralph is learning spanish, hommie is definitely a blanco vato.
Jenny makes the best horchata, shes a blanca vata.
by juan el vato December 3, 2006
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