You can be ugly as:
- a hatful of arseholes
- a busted arse
- a hatful of busted arsholes

You could have:
- been beaten with the ugly stick
- been beaten with the ugly stick, then took it off them and ate it
- fallen out of the ugly tree and hit every branch on the way down

You could have a face like:
- a robber's dog (or a thief's dog)
- a smashed pineapple
- a smashed crab
- a dropped pie

You could be so ugly:
- you'd be stuck for a face when the baboon wanted its arse back
- you'd make a train take a dirt road
You're ugly as... if my dog had a face like yours, I'd shave its arse and teach it to walk backwards
by Choda Boy 57 October 21, 2006
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What 90% of the human population is.
Me: Wow she is so ugly.

Friend: Yeah, but we are too.
by RCampz December 11, 2010
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Ugly is used as an expression of how DISGUSTING and not normal something is. People use ugly for situations when your friend does something so stupid that you can't even describe it in any other way other that yelling out UGLY!!! You can also use it as a pronoun to replace a person (dude, friend, my dude...ect.)
"eyy ugly, i got to spill some ugly ass tea"
by Rxn_yyy July 3, 2018
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This word simply means someone is jealous of your beauty.

Don't let that crown fall off. 👑
The same people who call someone else ugly,

are really unattractive themselves.
by uarefads May 14, 2021
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1.A word that 5 year old boys call pretty girls because they are immature and don't know how to express their feelings for a girl so they tease them instead.

2. A word that sometimes people genuinely use when someone is really, truly, genuinely ugly. Pretty rare, though.

3. Used by popular guys in school, usually in refrence to an unpopular or weird girl, even if she isn't ugly in the least bit.
1. Johnny: Eeeeew Kayla get away from me! You're ugly! You have cooties!
Kayla: SHUT UPPP!!!

2. Deb: Have you noticed that Mrs. Red has a beard growing?
Olivia: Yeah, omg... she's so ugly!
Deb: I know! Probably some hormonal disorder. don't make fun.

3. Peter: Dude, you know that Sara girl?
Josh: Yea man that girl is f**king ugly as s**t!
Peter: Whata loser.
by Maggie G. April 3, 2006
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The first of a book series by Scott Westerfeld.

Uglies are people under the age of 16 who live in dorms outside of Prettyville and have not undergone plastic surgery to make them Pretty.
by Cabarette April 30, 2008
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A word used by arrogant assholes to make them seem like they are the most beatiful person ever and the person that they are calling "ugly" as a lower lifeform.
yibsfbhjfdshbjfdhbjdbhjdgsjhbgdshbjgs dfbhdgsbjhgsdbhjgdbhjfg dsfbhudbhjdsgbhjdsgbj
by Blahb March 27, 2005
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