( a term invented by Montesquieu in his Spirit of the Laws)

A term of endearment used for small misbehaving children
Mother: Peter please pick up your toys and go to bed

Peter: lol I demand to be called troglodyte Peter.

Mother : well troglodyte Peter, pick up your toys please and go to bed?

Peter: okay
by Sexydimma March 12, 2017
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Person 1: My local bat is such troglodyte!
Person 2: Huh?
by PandaGirl xox May 30, 2016
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1. A person who is regarded as being deliberately ignorant or old-fashioned.
2. A person who likes mainstream rap.
Can you believe he said his favorite rap group is Migos? I meet mo' troglodytes than hoes, I swear
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Someone who has no lip and looks like a scarred hairy potato, and is usually British.
Brit: I've heard that people say we are all Troglodytes

Me: Yea we say it because it's true
by MistressChing December 18, 2022
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A word mainly used by “nice guys”- it means a small minded person, like a cave man/woman- who think females owe them for being “nice” and when unfortunately, or fortunately for every single person in the world, rejected uses it as a comeback for their pathetic excuse of a brain that does not comprehend why and blames it on the notorious “chads” of the world instead of their feeble and sad mind.
Boy : Send nudes baby
Girl : Haha no I’m okay
Boy : You f***ing pathetic excuse of a human being, eat sh*t and die with your abusive boyfriend, troglodyte.
by PinkPrincessUwU September 24, 2018
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Chauvinistic pig with a caveman mentality. Also see: Donald Trump, and men named Chris.
Trump is a narcissistic troglodyteand needs to go back to his cave.
by Daisy Lane October 24, 2020
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