Only the best food ever. As in EVER! Seriously, bread goes in the toaster, toast comes out! YES.
*pop* Was that the toaster? MINE!!!!!!!!
by Killykillydeathdeath July 24, 2006
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1.Being tipsy but at the same time very relaxed, that point where everything feels good and one doesnt really care about anything. (my use of the word)

2.Being very high from smoking weed. (the more well known use of the word)
1. Last night was amazing, went from being nicely toasted to fucked out of my mind :)

2. Thats the last of it man, were fucking toasted!
by GordonJuws April 4, 2011
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Very hot guy. A guy that you could nom up.
by sMegan May 23, 2012
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All toasters toast it.
Mario: Aha! Here's the problem, too many toasters.
Mario: You know what they say... all toasters, toast toast!
by Teh Problem August 18, 2009
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fucked up, wasted, drunk off your ass, etc.
Also, bread can be toasted.
Ex 1: She was toasted last night after 65 shots of tequila.
by rofljen June 2, 2006
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1: carbonised bread
2: to raise your glass to someone/something
A toast to bread! For without bread there would be no toast!
by Pretty Vacant May 18, 2004
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a horrible hipster alternative rock band that only wants to sell, and could care less about music. Their drummer is good, but the rest is horrible. The singer has the attitude of Chad Kroeger, and the other members are hipsters that have nothing to do and suck at their instruments (except the drummer)
Vocals: weak
Drums:O.k but can be better
Dude 1:Hey, have you heard of the new band Toast?
Dude 2: Yeah they're sound too damn generic and simple.
Dude 1: I thought that too
all dudes: LONG LIVE PUNK & METAL!
by the TrUtH January 27, 2013
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