Push those ass tits back in there giving me a headache
by Anonymous September 14, 2003
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Two huge tits that aren't perky at all. Gravity has done it's toll on these titties. Usually you would think that big tits would be good, but not these tits, these tits are ass tits. They resemble an ass on a womans chest, and you can't help but wait for an excretion of methane gas from said womans ass tit cleavage.
The woman fell down the stairs breaking her neck. Thank God, because she had terrible ugly ass tits.
by funnykid87 November 11, 2009
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Think of like the craziest, awesomest, most amazing tits ever. Those are ripe ass tits.
"Get your hands on a pair of ripe ass tits"

"Bro 1: Oh man dude, your mom has some crazy awesome tits, like outta this world. Jeez, oh man, they are the best tits ever.

Bro 2: So my Mom has ripe ass tits?"
by BloodyDrScholls May 3, 2010
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Basically, Tits In My Ass (or TIMA) is a way of saying "Shit!" or "God Dammit!" or any other exclamation in a much more interesting and fun way. Generally when you say it, it helps lighten the mood, making your situation a little better. This phrase comes out of Northern California, making up for them inventing "Hella" and "NorCal"
Kyle: "Hey bro, I kinda lost your headphones"
Dylan: "Tits In My Ass! that's the second pair of my headphones you lost this month!"
by Tony Sopranbro August 25, 2010
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To be bothered, or to be in a bad situation. Tits-in-my-ass is used to express anger. Similar the word "fuck", except it provides more syllables for the user to scream it out in anger, allowing them to yell it for a longer periods of time.
1. "Tits-in-my-ass!"
2. "She is some major tits-in-my-ass"
3. "What's wrong dude?" "man, i have some major tits-in-my-ass"
4. "I just failed my math test... Tits-in-my-ass!"
5. "I just got cock-blocked! Tits-in-my-ass"
6. "I broke up with her, but she thinks were are still dating... tits-in-my-ass!"
by wookie4747 April 7, 2009
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