A black person who is said to "act white" because of the way they dress, talk, or act. Someone who does not play in to "acting black" and believes that there is no way to "act black". Someone who typically hangs out with whites, or gets along well with whites.

Sometimes blacks take being called an oreo as an offense, but others might take it as being called a "classy black", someone who did not grow up in the projects so has no particular reason to be someone they aren't in order to fit in well with the black community.
Caleb is such an oreo. He's always going up north to snowboard and lives up in rich country with the white folks.
by Ryan D. Williams December 30, 2008
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1)An immature saying by black and white people (usually black people) who say that a black kid who doesn't wear fubu, or other gangster clothes but wear Abercrombie & Fitch, or A.E e.c.or listen to rock music or speak proper and not like a sensless idiot is white. Even though despite that nobody died and said "Well black people should wear this, act like this, listen to this e.c."
Black person with sense: I think I'm going to shop at Hollister, they got nice clothes.

black person with no sense: Man dats a white people sto stick to ya own kind, ur an oreo.

Black person with sense: Whatever the guy's a moron anyway to say that.
by 352sucks January 2, 2008
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"Black on the outside white on the inside."

A dark skinned person who displays characteristics of a white person. Oreo's are usually found listening to rock, and doing things that aren't usually classified as "black". They speak using proper grammar and think racism sucks. Most of them are proud of their heritage but choose not to act as stupid as some of their peers. They normally grew up in and environment that is predominately white.
"Omg look what Steffeny is wearing, what's with the skinny jeans and converse? She's such an oreo. "
by Cocoalozer March 20, 2008
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"James you're such an oreo"
"I'm just an educated black man Peter just because I'm not ignorant doesn't mean I'm white."
by pallen November 11, 2007
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An oreo is a popular snack which is made up of two chocolate biscuits sandwiched together with some white icing. It is commonly twisted apart and the icing licked off, according to the phrase "First you twist it, then you lick it, then you dunk it."
I owe my friend an oreo because I ate his in my lunch break.
by The Special Scampi August 31, 2008
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