To be taken advantage of by your brother-in-law after having a mental breakdown
Dude, I totally blanched my sister-in-law when my wife was out of town.
by Helyqy May 2, 2016
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Goth-Country-Punk band from Detroit that experiments with a wide assortment of instruments, including 2 piece drumsets, to banjos, to mandolins, to autoharp, to electric guitar.

Blanche creates an interesting and appealing atmosphere that could easily be mistaken for ghosts sitting around a campfire. They create cryptic, haunting music at times (such as tracks Someday, Superstition, and So Long Cruel World), they explore the boundaries of truth in songs such as Do You Trust Me, and create complicated love songs sure to please anyone with a mature ear.

Blanche is from Detroit, Michigan and features the talented Dan John Miller on electric guitar and vocals, the beautiful Tracee Mae Miller (wife to Dan) on bass and backup vocals, the crazy Feeny on pedal steel guitar, Lisa Jaybird Jannon on drums and on occasion, acoustic guitar, and the adorable, talented Little Jack Lawrence on banjo, autoharp, and occasionally mandolin.
"Don't you know it's bad luck to be superstitious?"
"But nothing else is working, and my head is really hurting!"
-Blanche's "Superstitious"
by killthebig3 February 25, 2006
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To scald in order to loosen the skin. cooking term used here to describe a fragile emotional state.
Honestly, I'm blanched. I simply cannot handle another thing.
by yellowdragonfly November 12, 2006
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To jizz uncontrollably
"Dakota's dad wouldn't stop blanching all over the couch."
by DBlanchy September 28, 2012
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Literally a 'white night' - a night without any sleep.
J'ai passé une nuit blanche.
by Donbass Girl August 9, 2019
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The liberty to pass gas freely without fear of discovery.
Scott: I think we should skip the Mexican food for lunch today, it gives me mad gas and we have to go back to work.
Tom: Come chill with me in the fermentation lab this afternoon. We're growing anaerobes today and the stench is so ripe you'd have farte blanche.
by Iguana Girl September 12, 2005
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A woman old enough to be your grandmother. But you'd still bang her.
Yo check out the bus stop... Damn that's a
Blanche Devereaux fo sho
by The Golden Cheetah August 17, 2018
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