the act of dangling, rubbing, sliding, and wiping one's testicles (and testicle sweat) over a victim's face whilst they are asleep, incapacitated, unconcious etc etc. usually preferred by performers of a heavily homosexual nature, but can also be used in a guy-on-girl situation with great success.
GUY 1: "Dude, Sandy's just passed the fuck out!!!"

GUY 2: "You GOTTA teabag that shit, man!!!"

GUY 1: "She's gonna wake up to le' testicle' odor haha!"
by Jessesse August 13, 2008
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A small porous sack holding enough tea leaves to make an individual serving of tea.
by Jason A February 19, 2003
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1.(v)- to place one's scrotum on another's forhead

2.(v)- To utterly defeat an opponent in a humiliating fashion. see pwn
1)That poor guy went to sleep on the couch at the party last night and got teabagged

2)I totally teabagged that guy in quake3
by Damoclese July 22, 2004
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A bag with a string attached containing herbs to help make the drink known as tea. It is placed into hot water and dissolved. Sometimes it is brewed and/or iced.
Put the teabag into your mug full of hot water to make a delicious and refreshing drink.
by DinahRose March 27, 2007
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the act of placing the scrotum upon one's forehead or inside of the oral orifice, or as a forceful strike to any area of the human face. Teabaggings may also be performed as a drive-by, in which case you will have a friend drive a motor vehicle at a velocity exceeding 90 mph. At this point, let your danglers stream out the passenger side window and allow them to make contact with an unexpecting elderly woman or some punk-ass kid. A very effective form of revenge.
1. This bitch was all passed out at the party, so i teabagged her.

2. That old dude didn't even see my drive-by teabag coming. Knocked his bitch ass down!
by Maddox Beats Ass! August 7, 2004
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Ok, so teabagging is an activity
carried out by two consenting adults... one of which needs to be a man.
The other... nyah,,, could be a man or a woman. So, one persons mouth is
the cup and the man's ... 'bits'...(i.e. nuts) are the teabag. Then
you dunk the teabag into the cup to brew it. Nice.
Mike: So Jon, how do you like your cuppa, teabag in or out?
Jon: Leave it in, Mike, there's a good sailor.
by sue February 15, 2005
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way of describing a cigarette on the sly
will we head for a teabag like?
by shmoke69 May 30, 2011
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