The best sex food ever. also eaten with whipped cream!
zach wants to put whipped cream and strawberres all ove my body. thats hott
by Cheerio March 22, 2005
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When a girl with freckles turns red either from being hot, blushing or just has rosey cheeks.
Shes such a strawberry during her workouts.
by p00hbear July 15, 2010
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my favorite fruit

its red and has yellow seeds on the outside

it tastes good!:)

by i like strawberries! April 7, 2009
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One of the most popular types of fruit that is used in a lot of different types of foods for flavoring. Such things like candy and ice cream would be a good example.
Everyone seems to like the strawberry flavored foods
by claustrophobic chicken December 19, 2004
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n. A skateboarding term for a large red welt, or asphalt burn.
c.f. ollie, grind, biff
by wayfarer April 28, 2005
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A strawberry is a girl with red hair who acts like a stereotypical dumb blonde
Oh you know Becky? She's such a strawberry, look how she acts.
by Person_lover June 22, 2016
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This is another word for ‘vagina’ or ‘pussy’, as a strawberry sliced up looks like one of those words. You can say ‘strawberry’ to make it seem less obvious on what your actually talking about.
Person 1: ‘Yo, I want to eat that strawberry 🍓!’
Person 2: ‘What are you even talking about??’
Person 1: ‘look over there...’
by Strawberries+Peaches March 13, 2020
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