An abbreviated quote that applies to nearly every situation in life.

Meaning: Snake Or Get Snaked.
Example 1

*Cutting infront of people in a huge line-up for the Ski Lift*
Buddy: "Man, good thing we snaked infront of those people."
Me: "You know it bro, Snake or Get SNAKED."

Example 2

Buddy: Damn, those were some mighty fine honey dips we found in the village last night.
Me: Yessir, it was either our pick up or the other guys, Snake or Get Snaked.

by rm229 February 20, 2013
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"South Of Gandy" Located in South Tampa, FL, there is a street called Gandy Blvd. There is no way out of Tampa South this street. This part of Tampa is well known for its name SOG and has actually been considered SOG City.
Ex 1: I was born and raised in SOG City. ( I am a SOG)

Ex 2: Which store is that part at? Its the one in SOG City.
by True SOG January 14, 2012
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Straight Off Garland.Garland Street is located in Detroit. In this close community we have similar beliefs and responses to situations. When someone on our street does something positive or negative the expression is "He's SOG"
Someone on Garland Street hits the Lotto for one thousand dollars, and gives it away or uses it up in one day, it would be said "that man is SOG".
by Sweet Wilma July 19, 2009
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something of a dubious nature. (noun), sketch
Man, that tp-ing expedition last night was pretty sog, we almost got caught by the cops.
by snlisthefunniestcomedyshowever November 17, 2009
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Accronym for Shots On Goal
How many times you are allowed to ejaculate, cum, bust a nut. Typically used in reference to massage parlor happy endings or monger-ish activities.
After a terrible massage, I was glad two SOG's were on the menu.
by j0j0565 February 4, 2010
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A crazy, orange animal (not in the slaggy fake tan way, in the ginger way) who is often found in kitchens, fridges or the biscuit tin. she enjoys eating, dancing and watching adverts, on repeat!

She works as an innovative sandwich designer, her most famous creation was the 'carrot, cheese and humous' sandwich.
She is most famous for winning the international 'crab jazz' competition, though her other achievements include: looking pretty fly even though she's wearing heart sunglasses and string round her head dancing in mog's lounge.
"Oh my God i saw a Sog the other night!"
"Really?! where"
"Chilling in my kitchen with toilet paper on its head"
"hahahaha really?! what was it doing"
"eating my biscuits"
"man that sucks, i hope you got some more"
"yeah i did! its OK though because she fixed me a humous, cheese and carrot sandwich"
"ooooooh that sounds tasty!!!!"
by Mog & Buna November 11, 2011
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To utterly and completely dominate ones opponents through the use of superior skill sets, tactics, and/or teamwork. While the term may be adapted to a myriad of circumstances, it is most commonly applied in online gaming
"Oh man, those guys are awesome! They SOG'ed the hell out of those guys!"

"Dude, this sucks! Every time I try to play Rainbow I get SOG'ed! damn that diktatormike!"
by de3nu7z May 14, 2009
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