penis wrapped in cocaine

named after charlie sheen
today this bitch was blowin lines off my sheenis
by ganja2112 September 20, 2011
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A feeling of discontent or covetousness with regard to Charlie Sheen's advantages, success, possessions, etc.
Trolls such as Chuck Lorre suffer from Sheenis Envy
by SheenisEnvydotcom March 12, 2011
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A curse brought forth by a Jewish man that renders you with financial troubles for anywhere between 1-3 years. (Depending on the severity of the Sheeniness in the Jewish suspect.)
Damn, I was talking about that Jew's girlfriend. Then, he put the sheeni curse on me and i just lost my wallet.
by P. Master Flex July 4, 2011
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1) The overall sorcery of the Jewish Race.

2) The magic used by a pissed off Jew condemning your financial settlements for the rest of your life.

3) Something that you do not want bestowed upon you.

4) Stronger sorcery than Harry Potter.

5) A Jew with retard strength.
That Jew used his Sheeny Magic and I lost all of my my possessions to the IRS and other Jewish Charities.

Don't piss off that Jew or he will use his Sheeny Magic on you.
by Joseph Smith, Mormon Savior January 8, 2010
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The reason why you have to be nice to jews, or they will give it to you.
Oh Shit son that greedy-ass jew just gave me the sheeny curse!
by SHAKEANBAKE August 10, 2006
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the envy of all that is winning, you don't have tiger blood, you can't party like Charlie, you have no are a troll
Chuck Lorre has an extreme case of Sheenis envy
by tgib March 16, 2011
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the curse a jew will put on you and therefore give you a bad financial year. Usually done by taking off their skullcaps and unleashing the curse within.
Britney Spears. Went from high flying pop princess to a mess. The Jews tally another victim with the sheeny curse.
by God's Son October 11, 2007
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