Selina is one of the most amazing girls you would ever meet. She's sweet, kind, BIG pretty (no homo) and very smart. Shes short with gorgeous eyes that change color depending on lighting and has beautiful curly brown hair. Shes really funny and would eat anything lol. If you ever make friends with a Selina, never let her go because shes one of the most trustworthy friends there is who will keep your secrets and will always be there for you no matter what. She sticks up with her friends and is kinda rude when she's not in a good mood. Don't get on her bad side or she will find every bad information there is of you and use it against you or just beat the shit out of you. If you ever cross paths with a selina never let her go and treasure all good memories you have with each other. She can also be a bit secretive about her emotions but that is only because she wants to always keep people smiling and not worrying about her too much
person 1: Omg i have just met a Selina and shes so pretty and kind
person 2: No way. Selinas are the bestest friends you can have don't ever lose her!
by iykyk :) November 6, 2020
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Selina is the most gorgeous and most halarious person to ever walk this planet and is an amazing girlfriend.
I love you selina and your amazing and I love every inch of you
by Your girlfriend 😏 July 7, 2021
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selina is the kindest, smartest, shyest girl you will ever meet. she falls for guys easily and is really sensitive. she's a great friend with a rocking body
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a girl named selina is a girl who will look at your untidy closet very judgefully
why is she so judgy?? Idk dude, she‘s probably a Selina
by Lauribauri November 23, 2021
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Selina is a girl with a big booty.
Omg she is so Selina.
by akridad May 3, 2020
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An amazing sister, and so funny. Always there for you when he need her. She likes to cook and she likes to entertain. If you buy her an owl statue, she will be a friend for life. She is good at Tetris. Don’t give her pineapple, even if she begs. She’s a cute little shortie.
She’s an awesome sister, she’s totally a Selina.
by Jessierulesthenight May 8, 2019
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