1. A shortening of "Saga-Saga", the tribe that destroyed village of the Bornesians leaving one sole survivor. The sole survivor was raised by wolves and survived feeding off the milk from a wolf mothers breast.

2. Often used to start conversations in messenger applications.
Derek: Saga

Jim: Saga

Derek: so wats been happenin?
by alborneo September 7, 2008
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An alcoholic lager beverage made from Sage, manufactured since the late 1800's in Iceland.
Icelandic people party best on Saga.
by StBond April 15, 2013
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Saga is a ski brand known as Saga Outerwear. It is the sickest and dopeaf ski brand ever
Dude look that guy is shredding with some fresh saga
by Skiaddi February 16, 2015
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A cult leader aka god who loves being in the form of a pink, small bunny. Has lovely pink, fluffy hair in human form.
Has 4 different personas
He is the father of many kids and a grandfather of two granddaughters.
Hey did you bully our cult leader Saga today?

Stop Ming from eating our god.
by Ming/Bleachbaby September 13, 2022
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something even peters said that everyone made a meme out of
"whats this saga senior thing?"
"senior senior senior senior"
"pusa pusa pusa... uhhh"
by kayshalala October 24, 2022
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A series of movies following the love story of a creepy vampire and some girl. Oh, and there's werewolves, too.
We were going to the movies, but the only movie they were playing was Gaylight Saga: Eclipse.
by Robbb. July 1, 2010
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