To intently remember, and mesmerize others with your tales of intense rememberance.
Sonne reads his books, and will rememberize each part of the story and create a vivid image.
by Chrizilla October 24, 2008
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Shannon : hey, you ever had a really good memory that you always wanted to remember?
Steve: umm...sure, I guess. Why?
Shannon: I came up with a easier word for it.
Steve: yea? What's that?
Shannon: rememberable
Steve: ........ *facepalms*
by But for why February 24, 2013
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Adj., A word used to describe something that can't be remembered due to outstanding circumstances.
All the best 21st birthdays are un-rememberable
by TokingBeaver October 31, 2010
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october 19 ..the day we all quote and remember our favorite and beloved vine.
M:do you know what today is?
M:its national vine rememberance day
by deeedeeee April 18, 2018
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this week is made by students in 2020-2021 1D class, because of the change of summer timetable to winter timetable. Their Math teacher Mr. John Mak is change to Br. Jude. But everyone 1n 1D loves Mr. John Mak and for his leave, they made this week.
Student A: Wait!!!!!!! Why is the timetable saying our Math teacher is changed to Br. Jude!?!?!?!?
Student B: NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Student A posted the timetable at WhatsApp*
ALL Students at WhatsApp: NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Student C: We must make this week the John Mak rememberal week!!!!!!!!!!
by LSC spy November 15, 2020
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That one person you keep meeting but you never remember and so you introduce yourself to them as if you'd never met, even though they remind you they already know you.
You: Hey, I'm (name), nice to meet you!
Them: We met last week. Jesus I'm so un-rememberable....
by The Unforgettable February 19, 2014
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