When somebody has made you really angry or upset.
by Foreign May 9, 2005
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From redline -
Pronunciation: 'red-'lIn
Function : verb
: redline, to redline, also redlining; to engage in sexual intercourse at an extremely rapid tempo.

Origin in redline : a recommended safety limit; the fastest, farthest, or highest point or degree considered safe.
Hank said he was redlining that bitch for an hour.

After redlining that bitch, she could barely walk.
by Ciao [Scum Crew] April 3, 2006
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(N) - The line of blood that runs from the anus after the first penetration of anal sex.
He was so big when he entered me that my Redline went all the way down my taint.
by Jacob Weber March 30, 2006
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A fucking hilarious blacksmith who likes to crack jokes, but is serious about his knives and will murder you over tea, but is great for tea parties
Paul. God fucking damn it Redlin, why do you make us laugh
Redlin. Jesus fucking boner, the blade broke
by bladesmith August 25, 2015
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when a girl has her period.
no sex tonight, ash is redlining.
by dale'n'ry February 20, 2010
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This term is used for have sex
It was so amazing they way she was Redlining me last night
by Arsinal December 19, 2009
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A bunch of kids whos moms took them to see "Fast and the Furious." when they actually got their licenses, they got shitty cars, and tried to put body kits on them using house flashing. hmmm
All "Ya Doods"
Kid, Whole-dup, turn down yo Kickaz. I think my mufflaz too loud. no wait, thatz my enjin. it's loud because it's a '91. good enough fo TR
by Ryan A. Stack March 16, 2004
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