This is an acronym standing for "Rough Around The Edges" and it refers to people (usually used to describe certain women) who are a bit rugged in both appearance and personality (usually found with Type 1s).
That chick is a hardcore RATE but still I find her strangely appealing. Other Ratish women turn me on too.
by Sateeb August 14, 2009
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Generally used interchangably with "right"; often coupled with "hurtin'" or "sour"
"That's rate hurtin'!"

"That's rate sour, man!"
by AdamM May 14, 2005
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A term used in insurance underwriting that means the applicant will have to pay additional premiums for the coverage for which he or she has applied. Underwriters often rate a policy arbitrarily to increase the company's "bottom line."
"Damn, if I'm going to get that bonus next year, I'm going to have to get off of my ass and rate some policies."
by Insurance Man April 4, 2006
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Rate is slang used by UK people or roadmen to mean like
Yeah Fam I {rate that still
Naaah I don't rate him
by Webayorweeby July 24, 2017
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Random Attendance Teenage Eaters. Teenagers who randomly show up at mealtimes. Can be either family members or friends of family teenager(s). RATEs make it impossible to plan a meal because the cook never knows: 1. If family RATE is eating or 2. If family RATE is bringing other RATES home.
Husband: What happened to that massive pot of spaghetti?
Wife: Graham brought home 5 RATES and they inhaled it!
Husband: Is there any cereal?
Wife: That was dessert.
by KellieAnne November 27, 2009
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To place faith and confidence in.
To back.
'I rate myself as a good golfer'
by Amy Heydenrych May 16, 2008
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Something guys and girls do to give their opinion on another's attractiveness. It's supposed to go from 1-10, but there are many variations:
1-8 (generally this scale is only used alongside the word "mate" with a full rating of 8/8
*Name*-*name* (this is either used in a good sense or bad sense. The rate given must be a name)
The scales are often broken to emphasise extreme attractiveness or extreme fugliness.

Note: Oftentimes the word "rate" is not used, even though that's what's happening. Frequently replacing "rate" is "give"
Ex. 1:
Mike: Dude, did you see that chick last night? I rate her 11/10 at the very least.
Ike: Umm...yeah. I hate to break it to you, but you had been hitting the heavy stuff for long enough that you were grinding on a 3...

Ex. 2:
Mike: On a scale from Kim Kardashian to Olivia Wilde, I give her a Megan Fox

Ex. 3:
Mike: Bruh, I know you were checking out my sister earlier. Be honest and tell me what you think of her.
Ike: I know how weird it must be to hear this, but she's 8/8 mate.
by P8triarch November 3, 2015
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