(Verb) Old hippie technique of emptying the tobacco out of a cigarette, and refilling it with marijuana.
"Dude, I don't have any more rolling papers!"
"It's cool, I will just punch a cigarette."
by dgbrown May 6, 2009
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To administer a narcotic, namely Heroin, by intravenous injection.
I was fucked after punching that dime, good shit though.
by DeltaKilo September 20, 2009
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to hit with the fist. Romany word for 'five'. To give someone a bunch of fives. Not to be confused with the word 'punch' meaning a drink with five ingredients, which is not a Romany word, but a Hindi word. The Hindi for 'five' is 'paanch'.
he punched him in the nackers
by klidenengro January 30, 2004
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wasted or drunk enough to be stupid shit
She is so punched right now, she just got with that guy over there.
by Holloway August 10, 2017
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Having pussy for lunch. The word is a portmanteau of pussy and lunch.
Lisa invited me over for punch.
by thoughts_and_prayers July 18, 2019
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1. When some one beats your ass so bad your face is caved in.

2. When a female has been penetrated an ungodly amount.
1. That mother fucker got punched in.

2. That bitch was punched in!
by Lassofsass March 19, 2015
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A kind of minor surgery in which the doctor 'punches' down and removes a sample of skin, usually from the site of a suspicious mole.
"The biopsy from my punch says I have melanoma."
by Ibby C. December 21, 2005
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