A sentence used by hackers saying they have swatted you and to watch your door being broken down by a swat guy.
Billy: Watch your door
Frank: Okay
Frank: Oh shit a swat guy just broke my door down.
by TheKiwiFruit October 30, 2013
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Military term for watching/covering your back/rear side
Stay frosty and cover/watch your six!
by gunshy77 May 11, 2014
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-When someone is paying more attention to what you're doing then what they're doing.

-When you're working on something you already know and someone over your shoulder is telling you how to do it.
Bob: hey Bill......you done with that tire change yet?!

Bill: hey Bob....?

Bob: what?

Bill:..........watch your own bobber
by lo-ca$h August 20, 2016
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Sad last word. Spoken because bro doesnt watch his jet
Bro's friend : Hey bro watch your jet !........watch your jet bro WATCH YO-
by Kayu Berkarat December 15, 2020
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The best way to fuck with people, especially those who don’t know who what it means
“Hey dude she’s not watching your jet rn” “yea man why is she not watching her jet
Her “wtf does that mean”
by Arizonaian October 5, 2018
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“Watch your linguini!”
A way of telling someone to watch their language but using shitty comedy to hide the hypocritical fact that you also curse horrendously
Guy 2: Watch your linguini!
Guy 1: What?
by FoxenBoxen March 8, 2022
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