when one watches numerous consecutive episodes of the same TV series on Netflix and he or she begins to confuse the show's characters and events with real life
Claire: "Hey I just started watching Vampire Diaries! I can't stop watching."
3 days later...
Claire: "Hey have you seen Elena or Stephen anywhere? I have to warn them about Klas!"
Kate: "Umm.. Those people aren't real I think you maybe in a state of Netflixality!"
3 days later...
Claire: "Hey have you seen Elena or Stephen anywhere? I have to warn them about Klas!"
Kate: "Umm.. Those people aren't real I think you maybe in a state of Netflixality!"
by michelle456 December 21, 2013
When a perfectly good show or series with excellent character arcs and development suddenly introduces new characters with no purpose other than to satisfy SJW's.
by Bionomicon February 3, 2021
Example-Netflix is bad
by Mozzarella monster August 26, 2020
by beatmatt September 18, 2014
I won't be seeing Shrek 2 in the theatre. Instead, I'll netflix it for later. Or, I recommend Star Trek: Enterprise Season One. You should netflix it.
by Becky June 3, 2004
Nicole: Where were you yesterday?
Brian: I decided to block myself out of social interaction, so I locked myself in my house went Netflixing.
Brian: I decided to block myself out of social interaction, so I locked myself in my house went Netflixing.
by kpm20 December 18, 2014
The action of renting DVDs solely for the purpose of copying them to DVD-Rs. Netflix warehouses are America's 512TB swap drive.
by Gil Bates September 21, 2005