Someone who annoys you.
Wow that black person is really a Nagger.
by BIG 80085 March 10, 2010
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Little blonde wife wannabe that does nothing but bitch and complain.
Stephanie was such a nagger that her husband choked the life out of her.
by Gollum May 18, 2006
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Ninja once said "nagger" and it sounded like He said nigger lol
by Fortnite_god_69 November 14, 2018
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Its when a white person wants to say nigga without triggering their friends.
by cr34t1v1ty March 23, 2018
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A man who is highly capable of receiving nude pictures without putting in much work.
Did you see the nudes Naggers copped?
Yeah! He didn't even have to try!
by WadhwaniIsAYoinker February 11, 2020
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What you say instead of using the n-word around black people.
Me: Oh, look at that Nagger.
D'shawn: *gives you weird look*
by Cleveland Brown's Son April 29, 2019
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noun This is a six letter word for people you hate.
As he tuged on my shirt this nagger wouldn't leave me alone beacause I put manoise on his sandwich.
by Mc Cream Dream October 30, 2007
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