I understand it to mean "error" or "screw-up" or "bad behavior". An abbreviated informal apology.

While some believe it to be a misinterpretation of the older phrase My Bag it is clearly it's own slang with its own origins and meaning.
While playing pick up basketball a player who just made a mistake would say "My bad"
by AFAN July 14, 2005
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Another way to apologize or say I'm sorry.
"I got charged"
"Oh shit, my bad"
is the same as
"I got charged"
"Oh shit, I'm sorry"
by LILR1 October 14, 2008
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sry for doin sumthin hurtful and wrong
by leo beale December 30, 2005
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The term “my bad” is a popular 1980s mispronunciation of the term my bag circa 1930 to 1995. My bag means “my mistake, my fault, my apologies”.

“My bag” was a term used when playing a game of spades. In the game, you would have to for-tell how many "books" or hands you would take. If you went over that number it was called a "bag". If you were playing with a partner it was a courtesy to claim your mistake by saying "My Bag".

Spades originated in the Midwestern United States in the late 1930s. It was said to have been invented by college students who enjoyed both Whist and Bridge. They were looking for a fast-paced game that was competitive and strategic. The game slowly spread to other college campuses but it didn't really take off until WWII brought so much of America's youth into the military. Because the game was portable, could be played by small groups, and could often be played in less than twenty minutes, its popularity mushroomed. You can still find the game online.

“My Bag” meaning “My Mistake” should not be confused with “Not My Bag.” meaning “Not My Thing.” or “What's Your Bag?” meaning “What's Your Problem?”

When I was in high-school in the 70s “my bag” meaning “my fault” was very common. Even though “my bad” is said to have come out in the 80s I had never heard it until sometime around 2008 or so.
My bad or My bag I thought I sent you an invitation.
by rawmlkmyke January 7, 2018
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My bad, officer! I didn't mean to bust a cap! for real, yo
by Anonymous August 22, 2003
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The kind of thing an illiterate prick on You Tube might say to you after you tried expain to them in a nice way what a stupid thing they said and what a moron they are.
-I don't quite understand why well meaning praise and advice would inspire you to make such a ferociuos comment.

-my bad. o:
by Mr Sean May 31, 2006
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A term used to tell someone that you made a mistake and apologize at the same time. Originally Used Mostly by African Americans but over the years it has become a more mainstream term; so it is not uncommon any more to hear anyone else (possibly in the professional world too) say it to admit to making a mistake.
Teacher: The answer to #1 is B (then he show his work)
Student: Sir I believe you are wrong. (student explains their answer)
Teacher: My Bad you were right and I was wrong, sorry for the misunderstanding
by Yourname2 April 2, 2007
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