The hypothetical sound a person in a wheelchair makes when they whiz by you at an extremely rapid pace.
I was crossing the street, and then out of nowhere this guy in a wheelchair murped in front of me and cut me off! What an asshole!
by andkeepitdown February 7, 2010
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Murp is one who is quiet and appears a little frumpy and upset.
You look really murpy today.
Why are you being such a murp?
Dude you are murpin over there.
You look like a murpy shwa.
by Murp Murp September 7, 2014
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Abbreviation of Meat & Burp. This is when you do a satisfyingly tasty burp after eating a meat-flavoured packet of crisps (normally Beef or Bacon)
Damn! That murp was tasty!
by BlueLynx190403 March 1, 2016
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A word you say when you want to agree with a controversial statement, but at the same time you don't want to seem like an asshole.
"OMG, Rachel is such a bitch."
by agranulocytosis September 26, 2017
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a word used to express anger, annoyance and basically every emotion in existence

also can be used after someone does or says something cute
someone annoys you or gets you mad: MURP YOU!!
someone says something cute: awwww murp
if your in a situation where u don't know what to say: murp
*when in doubt say murp*
by imnotasketch September 11, 2020
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It's a sound of annoyance, happiness, sadness. Anything and everything, you can murp about it.
Jackson the timekeeper... MUUUURRRPPP, Murp
by Murpnjoe March 31, 2022
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borderline worse than the F-word
dont ever say it in public
not to be confused with the totally meaningless and harmless "merp"
You: "Ah murp!"
Everyone else: "OMG! I can't believe she just said that!"
by jaymob April 24, 2015
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