A term used by big pharma and their cronies like most world governments, mainstream media, top global health organizations, most top billionaires and others, to label information either accurate or inaccurate that is inconvenient to their agenda or pocket book. This term is usually the reason given for censoring a post, book, person or organization by big pharma cronies.
Person 1: Why was JFK the nephew of ex-president JFK, Dr. Zelenko, Dr. Robert Malone et al, get censored by social media platforms and demonized in Wikipedia and mainstream media?
Person 2: Because they were spreading Covid misinformation.
Person 1: Why was my post about the Zelenko Protocol which is almost 100% effective as early treatment, which includes Hydroxycloroquine, Ivermectine and Vitamin D, censored?
Person 2: Because it spreads covid misinformation.
Person 1: Why can't I find any videos on covid by infowars on youtube?
Person 2: Because infowars is known to spread covid misinformation.
by Floridaisforfreedom January 5, 2022
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Truthful information which is inconvenient, embarrassing, or contradictory to the mainstream media or to the government's own narrative.
"You have been accused of spreading dangerous misinformation!"
by YourBoyyTylerDurden April 28, 2023
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'If you repeat misinformation loudly enough, often enough, it becomes information', she observed. 'Just say "It was Antifa and Black Lives Matter that stormed the Capitol, dressed like Trump supporters", and no matter what they see, they'll say it too, and it will become their truth. They will go to their graves repeating that the election was stolen.'
by Monkey's Dad January 20, 2021
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When someone alters a Wikipedia article to win a specific argument, anyone who reads the false article before the "error" is corrected suffers from collateral misinformation.
I changed the scientific classification of red foxes last night in order to win an debate with Judy. I hope some stupid High School student doesn't suffer from collateral misinformation.
by wildefox March 5, 2008
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When a major news source or dot com turns out to be sharing unauthenticated opinions, half truths or outright lies. A cultural criticism.
1. "Did you read the rolling stone rape article retraction? Yeah Man, That's just the misinformation age for you!" 2. "I need to take a break from social media. All these posts, I've had enough of the misinformation age for one day."
by Zzffmomentum1 August 28, 2015
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Something de facto defined by Stalin, without Biden's input.
Facebook should be ashamed of itself; it needs Stalin to define covid misinformation.
by Sexydimma July 24, 2021
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