A gorgeous girl that knows she gorgeous but won’t admit it.
That girl is gorgeous.... her names probably Maren.”
by user unidentified February 29, 2020
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Maren is a pretty and hot blondy. She has a heart of gold and if you know a Maren, you are very lucky. She has beautiful blue eyes and her hair looks like the sun itself. She takes care of everyone she knows and it’s always true love. Maren is a very talented girl. She always gets good grades at school and she is very sporty. Maren is also the boys magnet.
“Omg! She is so hot! She has so be a Maren.”

I wish I had a Maren.”

“I really need a Maren!”
by Søtsnusk November 18, 2018
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An amazing human being ! Kind with blue-green eyes possibly the daughter of posiden and has a best friend who’s definitely a Saytr she’s the Percy to her Grover who’s most likely her Grover.
Maren is amazing she over there loving plastic oh well it’s normal maren behavior
by A bestie of a Maren ❤️ January 1, 2021
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QUit being a Maren dude!
by Bdndndn November 9, 2018
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A maren will often call themselves ugly to fish for compliments. A maren will also milk a bad situation for all the attention they can get.
Kayla's dad died yesterday; she is being a total maren.
by Dick Maximus April 11, 2015
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That Maren really wants to talk to the target manager.
by Motiv78 July 2, 2020
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