joobs are jewish peoples boobs

i found it on the south park on the episode when chef died. When the kids were walking somewhere, cartman said wat do u call a jewish persons boobs?
did you see how majestic those jewish girls joobs were???
by SCHECK March 30, 2006
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To be extremely horrible at every single game, which includes but is not limited to DOTA, Smash Bros, Mario Kart, Street Fighter, etc.
Jun from UCI is such a joob, he got owned 3 times in a row by a noob.
by George Wu October 17, 2006
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yo nigga did u see the size of those joobs!
by Joobsta July 20, 2008
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a gaseous dispense of flatulatory substance from the male reproductave organ.
Carl passed out on the couch way early so to teach him a lesson i pulled my pants down and joobed right in his face.
by Collin Lenton May 22, 2008
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joob = joo noob/j00b = j00 n00b
You noob.
j00 wa3r teh j00b/joob s0cks.
by PoSiTiOn September 6, 2005
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An unexplained liquid or paste.
It may taste wrong, look wrong or come from somewhere unexplained.
Generally one may produce, excrete or endure this random " Joob ".
I think I have an infection, there was some serious joob in my panties..

moist secretion crust
by Jcarps January 27, 2016
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a jewish girl's stereotypically large breasts.
"damn, that sarah goldstein has some seriously voluptuous joobs"
by greggers b February 3, 2008
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