A follower of the Nazarene incarnation of the Mosaic deity Yahweh, variously referred to as Jesus, Yeshua, Christ.

See also Yahwehpocrite.
Wow, you Hypochristians attend abortion rallies to defend fetuses but you think that it was ok for Yahweh to order the slaughter of Amalekite babies! I don't get it!
by GreatBigBore February 22, 2010
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A Christian Who Talks about Love, Peace and Tolerance, then does the Complete Opposite.

This often Occurs when Discussing Homosexuals
"You Talk about Love, Peace and Tolerance but Really you're a Hypochristian"
by Atheist(topix) January 21, 2010
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a false christian; a person who claims to be born-again the Bible way, but are sons of satan, who show this via their satanic hypocrisy and godlessness.
Billy Graham is a good example of a hypochristian; he won't evangelize the pope, because he is a very high level freemason!
by zzz November 19, 2003
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Hypocritical Christian; A Christianity based religious human that has no ability to practice what the Christian religion preaches.
An example of hypochristian behavior is when Biden took communion on Ash Wednesday, but supports and votes pro-abortion.
by Fiona Gala March 21, 2022
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People who act holier than thou and are just real scumbags. They lie,cheat, steal, and adulterate then go to church on Sunday to make themselves feel better about fucking people over.
Did you know Chris our kids youth pastor had twins last week? Yes I do. I also know he has been fucking the new secretary at work in the break room. Seriously? What a hypochristian!
by Bmfsnatch March 28, 2015
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A person who's religious beliefs cause then to deny any argument before even listening to it. A person who cannot logically debate religion and instead uses personal attacks and unfounded accusations. One who judges and casts stones at people even though their beliefs teach not to. One who feels they can act in any way and be forgiven for it later because God loves them and they are special.
Hector is a hypochristian.
These guys are a bunch of hypochristians.
by elgringomi September 3, 2010
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A person that practices Christianity but goes against all of its teachings by being mean, hurtful and nasty to people.
My sister is such a hypochristian, she just told me I'm poor white trash and will never go anywhere in life while driving to church.
by Attacker March 4, 2010
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