A counter-rape tactic, in which the victim lies in wait in a spiderman-style pose, arms and legs spread, on the ceiling (on the underside of the top bunk of a bunkbed, etc.) above the rapist's bed. When the rapist returns to his/her sleeping area the victim lets out a battle cry and drops from the ceiling like a flying squirrel. Counter-rape ensues.
Anna always said that if someone raped her, she would flying squirrel their ass.
by gingerscholarbusinessman December 22, 2009
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lay the diry whore on your bed jump off a counter with your legs extended and arms out then jump on the bitch and start poundin on her vagina then nibble on her tits like its nuts
I gave the bitch the flying squirrel broke her bed though.
by Sosa69 February 5, 2008
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When your left testicle is stuck to the inside of your left inner thigh and your right testicle is stuck to the inside of your right inner thigh. As a result your testicles resembles the image of a flying squirrel's arms spread far apart with your scrotum and its skin being the skin on the flying squirrel's arms that droops down.
This happens often when you have been sitting down for a long time (like on an airplane or cramped bus/car) and your thighs, testicles, and scrotum start sweating and since you're so cramped and your legs aren't spread far apart, they adhesively stick to both thighs.
Person 1: Wow we've been sitting on this bus for 8 hours.
Person 2: Yeah both of my testicles are sticking to my thighs.

Person 1: Yeah me too, I've got the worst flying squirrel right now.
Person 2: Yeah I wish I could stand up and pry my testicles/scrotum off my thighs.
by yallreadyknowduke April 6, 2015
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When a person who has lost a lot of weight resulting in large skin flaps nibbles your nuts while spreading their arms wide, as if in flight.
I'm glad her gastric bypass was a success, however, bitch look like she swooping from trees and shit when she gobblin' deez nuts. She be giving me a flying squirrel fo' sho'.
by SmellzBellz February 23, 2017
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A penis trick where the erect penis is tucked firmly between the legs far back into the ass-crack in a spring loaded position. The legs are then opened with a flourish and depending on the turgidity of the member, a satisfying slap is heard against the belly.
Watch out for that flying squirrel boys...whhapppp.
by Sansastic May 11, 2010
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Sex position in which the female is sprawled on the bed, face up. The man stands up on the bed and proceeds to wrestling jump on her, aiming for the vagina.
I totally flying squirreled this bitch last night. I missed the first 26 times, but it was totally worth it.
by grass itch November 14, 2014
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When mooning from a car tuck your junk so that your squirrel is flapping in the wind
David was injured when his flying squirrel took flight
by Pooder November 27, 2005
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