1. A condom intended for use with another male.

2. A person who acts like a "Fag".

3. A used condom thrown on the ground in a public area and has "lol" written all over it.
Wow, look at that fag bag!

Bob wants Joe to use a fag bag
by TheBowser701 January 22, 2010
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A slang term for a fanny pack, popularized in the early 90's, as it was often worn by gay men.
What's he hiding in his fag bag?
by GuidoPosse69 January 27, 2005
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1 - an offensive term referring to a fanny pack, meant to suggest that the wearer of a fanny pack is a a homosexual or "fag", usually used by men so insecure with their masculinity that they feel the need to put others down
(Man A walks by wearing a fanny pack)
Man B (to friend): Wow, look at that fag bag.
by Hales (c) January 6, 2008
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when an adult, buys a Happy Meal from you know where and it's for them.
Bryan bought 2 happy meals and that Fag-Bag ate both
look at that punk ass adult buying happy meals for himself, what a fucking Fag-Bag.
by John Dugan June 30, 2021
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A phrase used to describe someone gay or to make fun of someone gay. Or you can use it to generally make fun of one person, or even groups of people when adding an "S" at the end. Not only that, it's a euphamism but it rhymes with itself just to make it sound jazzy. It is MEANT to be left to your imagination as to why the word "bag" is included in the phrase.
1.) "Man, that guy is a real fag bag. He wouldn't let me in the club even though I turn 21 tomorrow."

2.) "Those people in the mosh pit look like a bunch of fag bags just standing there with the long faces. Do they not realize they are in a rock concert?"
by Justin (PFC) in Kuwait February 7, 2009
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A bag from a store that has a picture of a topless man on the front. This usually pertains to clothing stores such as Abercombie & Fitch.
He walked out of the store with his brand new clothes in a fag bag
by Jake Morghanasona October 28, 2006
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