An infinity abstract scale, measuring internal expression of desired autonomy in an externally viewed world of invisible and undefinable interconnection.
Empathy: To truly walk in the shoes of another, those shoes must literally be on your feet.
by the superheroes December 4, 2014
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I shared her feelings in a mind meld, she's depressed because seraph of the end won't premier for another year. She's a weeaboo. I now no longer wish to hold empathy.
by AUnknownSeaUrchin May 11, 2017
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A mixture of tiredness, alcohol and a lot of drugs
I was tripping yesterday and had so much empathy
by Wollkneul August 1, 2020
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Pretending to care about someone else's problems so they will like and/or trust you. Sympathy without commitment. A politically correct conversational side-step.
Well Bob, I imagine being blind makes seeing difficult for you. If I were blind it would be difficult for me too.
by Buttafoooko April 23, 2005
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Man 1: she's my girlfriend, but I don't speak to her.

Man 2: what do you mean?

Man 1: have some empathy.

Man 2: yeah, I'm sure she'll come around!
by Ereck Flowers April 11, 2015
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A word constantly used by obese Bernie Sanders cuckolds because they have no other way of providing great examples of why their horrific communist policies would ever work.
Virgin: wow people who don’t believe in empathy need to stop running for office

Chad: Shut your ass up cuck, this is an alpha male society and you will not speak unless spoken to
by Getbigggg April 4, 2021
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Not having this really is its own punishment.
Iam "I forget I'm supposed to being doing empathy sometimes. It just slips my mind. And then I remember (after the fact) and beat myself up over it. I'm glad you and yours are doing well. I know you've been back for a while. I've been gone for a while. I didn't even think anyone would notice. Or care. You're right about a lot of things you know. You know, they say you should treat people as though you're talking to an old friend. I heard someone say that once. A lot of my personality is just 'people like it when you do *blank* so you should do *blank*'. I just do it because I heard that it was a good thing to do. I like doing things that people like."

Hym "I like doing things that people hate. They like doing things that I hate. Everybody wins. I hate that can't express myself fully. I want to save some of the good thoughts for a climactic moment. But that moment may never come. Oh well. Guess it can't be helped."
by Hym Iam April 24, 2022
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