A creature who cannot be trusted to even take care of himself properly. Most of the time dumdshits are closey related to fucktards, fuckboys, asshats, droolies, pond scums, fuckwits, manwhores, bride jumpers and all other low lyfes who think they can just skate through life hurting anyone and everyone so long as they get what they want in that very moment. Dumbshits rarely are respected and are seen as creatures of great algae eating abilities. Dumbshits think they know what's best when in fact just tend to fuck things up for society as a whole. Dumbshits can rarely make a good decision when it comes to being a decent creature. These sort of creatures usually feed off the bottom of the pond. Most of the time they are known for their conniving fuckboy like attributes that include but are not limited to: dishonesty, ignorance, manipulative personality.
Why are you being such a JD, i mean dumbshit?
Get with the program dumbshit.
by PineappleJuice February 26, 2015
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a person like you that looks up the word dumbshit usually smokes pot
Guy: See that dude over there smokin pot?

Guy2: yea he's a dumbshit
by ahhh hamburgers July 30, 2008
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Someone of astounding ignorance who is apparently unable to read the worldwide research on climate change.
It suddenly hit me that Fox News doesn’t cover environmental issues and so the climate dumbshit just remains in the dark.
by Dr Bunnygirl July 22, 2019
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A dumbshit asshat is so fucking dumb and selfish, and is constantly a dick.

Literally dumbshit and asshat combined.
Person 1 : "Dude, did you hear about that dumbshit asshat Austin Meldeau?
Person 2 : "Yeah, he wrote himself a definition on Urban Dictionary."
by drywittygal February 25, 2018
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When someone uses exclaimation points after every sentence in their writing, usually someone too dumb to know how to use proper punctuation
Teacher: I couldn't read your paper because there was too much dumbshit punctuation.
by rinseandrepeat March 2, 2011
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