Occurs when an individual logs onto their facebook account and randomly leaves mean or belligerent comments on everyone's statuses within their live feed list (most likely with the hopes of drawing attention to themselves or strictly out of boredom). Comments must be left on over 2 or more people to be considered an official facebook driveby.
Person 1:"Yo man, the other night I just like, got so BORED with facebook and decided to pull a facebook driveby."

Person 2:"..you pulled a what? A facebook driveby?"

Person 1:"Dude it's EASY! Just log on to your facebook account and just start like leaving nasty comments on peoples' statuses man. I nailed like 30 people in 10 minutes bro! It was EPIC!"

Person 2:"..so you feel any better?"

Person 1:"Nah..people still ignore me bro."

Person 2:"Fail."
by Konchii November 14, 2009
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The smut in the background of major motion pictures.
Centerfolds hanging up in the barracks, lockers, of soldiers.
"I was watching Aliens and I got some driveby smut when cam panned past the guys gearing up..."
by Kushtika October 22, 2009
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When someone checks into a location on 4square as they're driving by, rather than when they're actually at the location.
Dude, slow down a bit.I need to do a check-in driveby.
by Miss Behaved May 27, 2010
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Noodly driveby is when your girlfriend lays with her head hanging over the bed. Meanwhile the man gets a running start and runs past the girl and smacks her in the face with his wiener leaving a red mark on her cheek.
"Last night, I let my boyfriend give me a noodly driveby. He did it too hard and now I have to go to the dentist."
by BeanSweetSauce December 2, 2013
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When a mexican walks past you and stabs you in the gut.
Stabbed Man: You pulled a mexican driveby on me you goddam mexican!
Dude: Nah, dawg, I drove by.
Mexican: It was me, homes! Wassup now, ese?
by Walker Watson July 29, 2006
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voting for stories posted on digg without following the links and viewing the content
That guy dugg three stories within like 30 seconds--that's some shameless driveby digging!
by LindsayDayton April 11, 2007
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When a gang of Jehova's Witnesses in a car, too lazy to do their daily door-knocking, decide to throw the word of Jehova in the form of magazines at unwary passersby. Similar to a driveby committed by a gang, except the motive is to convert, not kill.
*In the hospital*
Tim: He was hit by a Jehova driveby. The cops are on the case working with the church as we speak.
by sonofalas December 31, 2010
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