Dedicated & Delicate joined together to make a type of flower.
I just planted a really nice delicated flower.
by Andre3000w/bigdick November 22, 2012
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Guy: "How about you handle my delicates.. with your feet"
Girl: "Whatever you want :)"
by moltenlava March 17, 2012
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Man who appreciates the male physique. Invigorated by lean pectorals and glutenus glutes. Usually turned on by nipplie rings.
"That man is shagga-delic"
by David Berg July 11, 2003
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A very enjoyable deluctable blunt that is a delicous flavor.
Damn Muh Fucka that Blunt is bluntastic delicous!
by Puking Panda's Roommate April 3, 2007
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A flower from the 2017 game Hollow Knight.
Will be destroyed if you get hit.
Will kill itself in a fit of rage if you cheat using the stagways or dreamgate.
Obtained by the sad lesbian Grey Mourner and needs to be brought to the grave of her dead mantis gf in Queen's Gardens.
The delicate flower quest is a pain in the ass.
Get some essence cause you are gonna need to dreamgate your void ass back to the Grey Mourner alot.
by peanutbuttereggwaffle June 28, 2019
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People who are oversensitive, and get offended too easily. Prone to overreact. Most often reacting negatively when they see something that goes against their views. Synonymous with whiny bitch and crybaby
President Trump just vented on twitter because SNL parodied him again. What a delicate snowflake!
by ThatOneLibtard February 7, 2017
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Something so gay it excites you beyond your expectations
San Fransisco was so fag-a-delic!
by Nathan Carrier October 20, 2006
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