The technically definition is a woman with an hour glass figure. However overweight women have taken the term as their own, so nowadays if someone uses the term curvy, its people trying to politely say their fat. On dating profiles fat women will often use the term curvy to describe themselves as its hard to tell if their actually curvy or overweight.
Original Definition: Woah Marilyn Monroe sure was hot and curvy.

New Definition:
Example 1- As a curvy woman I have to shop in plus size shops like Evans.

Example 2- Have you met Alex's new girl? She's a bit on the curvy side.
Example 3- So I'm meeting this girl from Match, shes listed her body type as curvy but all her pictures of selphies that only show her face. Hmm.
by mrperson123 March 29, 2019
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A misleading word used by fat girls to describe a body shaped like a chicken mcnugget.
That girl I met on craigslist said that she was curvy, but that bitch was so big she could've been a land whale.
by Big Porn Tom February 7, 2013
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Curvy in today's world means a woman who is gratuitously obese. In the old days, it meant a woman whose body went in at the waist and out at the hips and denoted a fine looking woman who magnified her femininity out into the world.
Beth is so large that there is no longer a dress size in which she can fit. She has taken now to wearing floor to ceiling length curtains. It's 2017 and she is a curvy woman.
by LiberaceHudson October 10, 2017
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a real woman. not a stick. curvy women should be considered beautiful.
"shes beautiful!"
"yeah the lolly-pop look is sooo out"
by fashion whore August 26, 2005
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She has some nice curvies!
by Mr. Robotron March 29, 2019
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Word that fat people use when they don't want to say that they're fat . Fat people often misuse this word . Curvy is Beyonce , Jennifer Lopez , and most Latina Women , and some black women who actually aren't overweight .
You're not curvy your FAT
by alsjdiohnyufg September 18, 2010
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Curvy means that you are fat. You are in denial of your fatness, and you don't wanna admit it. So you go about calling yourself curvy. It is also used to describe someone you wanna call fat, but don't wanna seem like a total bitch about it. It can also mean you have boobs and an ass, but who even uses that term of the word anymore! Seriously you guys...
Kaity, a three hundred pound, ugly girl with red cheeks, ugly red hair that is very curly and frizzy, and is very short comes up to you.

You: Geez, I think you need to go on Weight Watchers.

Kaity: No, I'm just curvy. You're soooo jealous of my boobs and ass.. Guys always check me out. It makes me uncomfortable.

You: No, they're just staring at your flab.Not your 'assets'.

Kaity: No. Stop being so jealous. Hater.

You: I only weigh 120 pounds and I'm tall... you are obese and ugly. I own you, bitch. Later.
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