
Universally amazing


Really cool

You are fat Alyssa
by Nicholas ammo44 June 6, 2019
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An insult toward bitter females, who may or may not be fat and/or ugly, that think they are above people who are more attractive and can attract the opposite sex easily. They also generalize about people to make themselves feel better.
Bitter Female: "In my books all pretty boys and weight lifters are jerks. They think they are so great, if one tried to walk up to me I would ignore them."

Random Person: "You sound fat, those types of guys would not want to talk to you in the first place."
by Lance Bozeman July 19, 2005
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A response used to quickly and effectively tear down a bitter, jealous or resentful male. Best used on incels or "niceguys" who complain about attractive people constantly.
Male: I hate all you shallow chads and staceys. Why do girls only like assholes? Nice guys finish last!

Attractive person: You sound fat
by shitlord101 February 6, 2020
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A response used to quickly and efficiently tear down a jealous, bitter or resentful male. Best used on incels or "niceguys" who complain about attractive people and women constantly.
Incel: I hate all these shallow chads and staceys! Niceguys finish last! Girls only date assholes!
Person: You sound fat
by shitlord101 February 6, 2020
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Use of calling someone "Friend"
Turing of a adjective into a noun
Hey whats up, you fat.
by Mobius October 9, 2003
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a term used when you want to call someone a fat bitch
you fat bitch
by the giggle king lord of laughs September 22, 2021
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Someone eating or aquiring comically large and/or frequent amounts of food, or appearing to do so.
Must be said with a south-west english accent (Cornwall, Devon, etc.)
Only works with the 'You' at the front, and only happens with 'You' and 'Bif' on one note, and 'fat'and 'fer' on a higher one.
There's no real emphasis anywhere, and it's deadpan despite the humourous intent.
"4 pints. And a pie."
"You fat biffer."
by davev July 3, 2005
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