a "player killer" who roams runescape looks for accounts to Fail on.
pking 1 whip and d bow. but also losing a torso and rune defender on a good account.while fucking up about 7 more. also thinks training 70 mage and str is an huge accomplishment.

cpl thinks he has retired from scape
by castledooom5 December 23, 2007
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Cyber-athlete Professional League: the Netgamers official sport league.
now, that's some reason for sofa slugs and gameheads to ..eh..jump for joy?..no, they'll just crawl and bring more tacos and brewskis to celebrate!
by hytham_hammer July 17, 2005
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a motivated corporal of marines who sits on the computer at work and adds atuff to urban dictionary and when ssgt walks in he opens up nalcomis and starts rambling about stuff that has nothing to do with whats being done.

another word is lollygagging
Cpl Orta:Hmmm...what word am i gonna add today?
*Ssgt walks in*
Cpl Orta: so yea uhh nalcomis...change this from M# to WP because it has to be and needs to be...
Ssgt:Good Work Orta your a hard worker.
Cpl Orta:No problem ssgt...im in the zone
*ssgt leaves*

*maximizes urban dictionary*

Cpl Orta:Ok the word today is...i wanna suck yo' dick niigah
by THEkatMAN April 9, 2009
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The action of Shitting,pissing, and Jerking off in 1 trip to the restroom
"Dude what's taking so long? I gotta take a shit"
" Private Hughlett is doing his daily CPL Dennis for good luck"
by xxxjellyrollsxxx January 13, 2021
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amazing looking, ladies man, huge schlong, super angry, depressed motivator. from the mid west has a fish on arm.
hey, stop being such a cpl cloud
by RainMan666 November 2, 2010
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The whale hunting champ who also happens to be maintenance chief
Hey man did you pull a cpl Rosenlof?
Yeah it was a nasty one
by Lispylou May 5, 2021
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