"I… hit him repeatedly on the conk. My reason for this was that his conk was covered with carbuncles, and I thought I should vex him by taking such liberties with his conk—which in fact I did."

-Quoted from Thomas de Quincey, "On Murder Considered as One of the Fine Arts," first published 1827.
by MaSh92587 March 9, 2006
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A conk is a sexy ostrich
oooo tht's a right Conk (sexy ostrich)
by Cotton mate March 4, 2005
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commonly used as an expression when you hurt a part of your anatomy
*hits head*
"Ow fuck, I just got conked"
by Jenny June 25, 2003
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A very large nose.
That Smithy has a big conk.
by Craig Hanlon November 19, 2003
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A tern used to call someone a sexy Osterich.
by broders mate March 14, 2005
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Actually a texting error, when texting "cool" using 0-9 keys. Hit the correct keys but with the wrong count, yet it looks like a real word for cool.

Could be the first word invented by a machine.
JC: How was the trip?
Mattman: It was conk
by Conk-D December 6, 2009
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the art of blacking out or any form of passing out under the influence. Can also be used as a way to describe falling into a deep dark slumber.
'fuck I conked it'
'shit bro you shoulda seen Linda on the weekend, she conked it'
'ripped a fat cone and conked it mums life'
by Grace the sk August 2, 2021
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