A prominant crease on a mans chin,made up from chin and cunt
Checkout the chunt on that guys chin
by Ravenhaven December 9, 2017
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Charity worker who harasses you on the street for money claiming they are doing a good deed by working for a charity but really they are getting paid to annoy you to meet a quota.
I really don't want those chunts to talk to me, I'm so sick of them
by stahlbar August 15, 2014
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Female equivalent of a choad, a virgina wider than it is deep.
Frank: "I was about to go down on a girl the other night when I saw she had a chunt, I got the hell out straight away 'cause it could have taken my whole face."
Bob: "Looks like the job for a choad then"
by too thin by far September 15, 2010
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This is a word that has evolved to mean female viking. the viKINGs wanted to call them viCUNTs but the vichunts would of chopped their horns off. So over the years the word was shortened to CHUNT meaning strong viging woman
Ahoy the Chunts have mead a brewin to soothe our souls afer this prosperous raid!
by funjunkie February 7, 2009
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A chinese cunt. Preferably the chinese waitresses at china buffets that are rude to people.
That chunt would not give me a fortune cookie but still asked me for a tip!
by Carve a ham! December 14, 2011
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Oi mac you ate all the fish and chips you chunt.
by Jakestastyballs December 22, 2019
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Chunt is all and Chunt is one. He is a mother, father, brother, sister, son, daughter, step-chunt, and much more. All in one package. Jesus pales in comparison to Chunt. That is all.
Chunt my skrunt.
by Hunter J Barton Jr. Sr. IV September 3, 2022
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