To be affected by a bad set of circumstance, the acuteness of which is so severe as to be admissible as proof that an unseen, omnipresent or higher power is the cause.

Luck that is so bad it’s like god is picking on you.

This word is loosely related to budget, in the context of "something of poor quality".
Andy: ”I was shopping and I saw a parking attendant putting a ticket on my car. I ran out to stop him only to slip and fall, breaking my spine. A five-year-old-child then vomited on me."

Joe: "Budgeted.”

”I get all the FUCKING way through the level, right to the end boss, get him down to half his health and then I just get budgeted. Every FUCKING time.”
by SlapOutCity February 10, 2007
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1. The name of a National car rental company
2. Lacking in quality
by Anonymous June 13, 2003
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To be affected by a bad set of circumstance, the acuteness of which is so severe as to be admissible as proof that an unseen, omnipresent or higher power is the cause.

Luck that is so bad it’s like god is picking on you.

This word is loosely related to budget in the context of "something of poor quality".

This word is known to be in common use by select groups of individuals in the UK, specifically in the areas of Berkshire, Slough, Hayes and Uxbridge.
”I was shopping and I saw a parking attendant putting a ticket on my car. I ran out to stop him only to slip and fall, breaking my spine. A five-year-old-child then vomited on me. In other words, I got budgeted.”

”I get all the FUCKING way through the level, right to the end boss, get him down to half his health and then I just get FUCKING budgeted. Every FUCKING time.”

”I pay £40 for a bag of skunk from my local drug dealer. He tells me at the time “It’s a bit dusty,” but I think no more of it until I get home when I find he has give me a £40 bag of nothing but badly smoking, foul tasting brown powder with twigs in. Yet again, I got budgeted.”
by SlapOutCity February 8, 2007
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A budget in which you buy expensive clothing and shoes
Damn did you see Armaan with his new yeezys he's on that baller budget.
did you see Ronan's baller budget closet its full of supreme and Gucci
by eskeit November 15, 2017
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Meeting/hooking-up with girls when one’s financial state is severely strained. There are many ways to undertake budget pimping, but essentially any act of being a cheapskate in the context of trying to get ass would classify as budget pimping; i.e. scrupulously searching for name-brand clothes at thrift stores, purchasing cologne knock-offs at mini marts, sneaking tiny liquor bottles into bars to mix your own drinks in the bathroom, pawning the necklace your grandmother gave you in order to obtain some cash and look like a player, lying about your (or the existence of a) career, etc. Budget pimping takes many forms but is fundamentally seeing the value in a dollar, and turning that dollar into a blow job.
(When pimp cover is broken and girl finds out you're a loser)

"What the fuck! I thought you had a car and a nice job!"

"Cut me some slack, bitch. I'm budget pimping."
by NaturalFeatures March 2, 2009
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being low on money/ being broke. Originally used to describe shitty movies that have the same budget and production values of pornos without any actual full frontal nudity, it is also used in everyday situations when someone is strapped for cash.
dude 1: you want to hit some bars

dude 2: naw man i'm on a porno budget

dude 1: you broke as fuck sucka
by nalimoNIPPOn October 5, 2009
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When you have 20% or less battery power on your cell phone, and you budget your usage time between phone calls, texts or games.
Oh damn my phone is at 15% time to do some Battery Budgeting
by chicken hawk 103 December 23, 2010
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